Average weather in Sharm El Sheikh
Throughout December, the size of your day is essentially continual. The shortest day's the thirty days is December 20 with 10:22 hours of daylight; the longest time is December 1 with 10:30 hours of sunlight.
Constant Hours of Daylight and Twilight in December
How many hours during which the sunlight can be viewed (black colored range), with various degrees of sunlight, twilight, and evening, indicated because of the color groups. From bottom (many yellowish) to top (most gray): complete daylight, solar twilight (Sun can be viewed but significantly less than 6° through the horizon), municipal twilight (Sun is not noticeable it is lower than 6° underneath the horizon), nautical twilight (Sun is between 6° and 12° underneath the horizon), astronomical twilight (sunlight is between 12° and 18° underneath the horizon), and full night.
The first sunrise is at 6:17am on December 1; modern sunset are at 4:58pm on December 31; the newest sunrise are at 6:33am on December 31; the very first sunset has reached 4:46pm on December 2.
Daylight-saving time (DST) is not noticed in 2012.
Constant Sunrise & Sunset with Twilight in December
The solar power day over the course of the season 2012 . From base to top, the black lines will be the previous solar power midnight, sunrise, solar power noon, sunset, and the after that solar midnight. A single day, twilights (solar, civil, nautical, and astronomical), and evening are indicated because of the color groups from yellowish to gray.